2001 Schafer Twin-Engine Dragster “Flathead Jack”

Quick Specs
Two Ford Flathead V-8s.
[Sample Stat: Specific Designer or Builder]
182.4 mph (est.)
When One Engine Isn’t Enough
Hot rodder and parts distributor Jack Schafer built this dragster from scratch to promote the quality and capability of the the high-performance Ford flathead engine components he sold. He used the same techniques and materials he employed years earlier during the formative years of the hot rod movement to build the dragster, but with one change: the addition of a second engine. The idea of equipping a dragster with highly visible identical components gave it a dramatic look that both added to its appeal as a static showpiece and hinted at its serious potential.
Schafer embraced the idea that a vehicle should look as good as it performs and made it a priority to imbue his machine with an authentic look. To do so he drew on some of the best talent available. He asked Pete Ogden and Paul Southerland to build a chassis that was light and flexible. He then engaged Greg Westbury of Concord, California, to construct the body. Art Himsl expertly painted the finished vehicle. Seen as a whole, the entire composition of the dragster would be difficult not to regard as a work of machine art thanks to the many components that had either been chrome plated, expertly painted, or polished to achieve a dazzling sheen.
Collection of the Petersen Automotive Museum, Gift of Jack Schafer
This vehicle featured in ‘The Vault’.
2001 Schafer Twin-Engine Dragster “Flathead Jack” Gallery
Vehicle Imagery may be used for personal, media editorial, or educational purposes. Please credit Petersen Automotive Museum, petersen.org, if used. Photos may not be used for commercial purposes.